European Logistics Investment expands its portfolio with a 37,000 sqm logistics centre in Kraków

European Logistics Investment (ELI), a dynamically developing logistics platform in Poland, together with its partner Panattoni, will deliver an advanced warehouse complex at the site located in Kraków. City Logistics Kraków I, planned as a BREEAM certified, two hall facility, will add to Małopolska region 37,000 sqm of high-quality logistics space. 9,000 sqm in the first building has been pre let to InPost – the largest logistics operator in Poland.

Mocny początek roku European Logistics Investment z trzema ukończonymi i w pełni wynajętymi projektami

European Logistics Investment (ELI), a dynamically growing logistics platform in Poland, has delivered three new development projects. Despite the economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ELI kept its development pace and continued dynamic portfolio growth. The three latest completed developments in Bielsko-Biała, Ruda Śląska and Toruń will add 145,000 sqm of modern multi-purpose logistics space to the CEE market. The parks are 100% leased.

European Logistics Investment to add over 18,000 sqm of logistics space with its newest investment in Kraków region

European Logistics Investment (ELI), a dynamically developing logistics platform in Poland, will deliver a 18,300 sqm logistics centre in Skawina near Kraków. The Kraków V facility, which is ELI’s third investment in that region, will be developed together with its partner Panattoni. Close to 20% of the space has already been leased to RTV Euro AGD – a leading retailer of home appliances and consumer electronics.

European Logistics Investment razem z Panattoni dostarczą 45 000 mkw. nowoczesnej powierzchni logistycznej we Wrocławiu

European Logistics Investment BV (ELI) has acquired two warehouse facilities located in Wrocław – one of the main logistics spots in the CEE region. ELI, together with its partner Panattoni, plans to further develop the site in order to deliver City Logistics Wrocław North totalling 45 000 sqm of high-quality logistics space.

European Logistics Investment wybuduje w Radomiu nowoczesny kompleks magazynowy w systemie build-to-suit

European Logistics Investment BV (ELI) together with its partner – Panattoni will deliver an advanced warehouse complex at the site located in Radom. Planned as a BREEAM certified, build-to-suit facility with a total GLA of 12 800 sqm, will include manufacturing, warehousing and service operations zones. The warehouse has been pre let to AZZ Specialty Welding Europe on a 15-year lease.

European Logistics Investment together with Panattoni to lease out 45,000 square metres in Ruda Śląska

European Logistics Investment (ELI) – a dynamically developing logistics platform together with its strategic partner Panattoni, the market leading developer of industrial real estate in Europe, is to lease more warehouse space. At the facility Panattoni Park Ruda Śląska II almost 57,000 square meters will be delivered for use, of which nearly 45,000 square meters have been leased out to the tenants Dywidag and LATEX Opony Inc.

Kolejna śląska inwestycja w portfelu European Logistics Investment

The portfolio of European Logistics Investment BV (ELI) is expanding thanks to a new investment located in Silesia. Together with its strategic partner Panattoni Europe, ELI will deliver a BTS (built-to-suit) warehouse and industrial space for the Weber company. The 50,000-sqm. facility will be developed in Zabrze with the tenant moving there in the second half of 2021. The warehouse in Zabrze expands ELI’s portfolio located in Silesia.